
A Year of Letters

In 2025, Blessed Hope will be using this Bible reading plan which will take us through the section of the New Testament called, "The Epistles." Pastor Bill will preach from this reading plan each week. We hope you will join us.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study - Acts

This is a link to both the audio files and handouts for our Wednesday evening Bible study on the book of Acts

Advent Christian Voices

An excellent blog from a variety of Advent Christian authors

Advent Christian General Conference

Publication page for ACGC

Training - How do I grow as a Christian?

This is an excellent little book to help a believer focus on growing in their faith.  It is a particularly good tool to use for small groups or one-on-one meetings with a more mature believer.

Berkshire Christian College

An avenue for higher Christian Education that is affordable, accessible, and excellent.

Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies (BICS)

A unique learning experience for emerging adults who want to devote a year to growing in their faith.


A well rounded collection of articles from the Advent Christian perspective

Rethinking Hell

A place to further explore the doctrine of Conditional Immortality


Articles, MP3s & Resources on the Historic Christian Faith


A collection of excellent resources from 9Marks

Blue Letter Bible

Read the Bible on-line


Bible study & commentary resources